Rivers and Lakes
The lake has been declared as a National Park as of 20.02.1993. The area of the national park is 88750 hectares.
It is located 100-140 km from Antalya Gulf. The lake collects waters from between 115 and 1125 codes. The surface of lake in maximum codes reaches 800 km2 while the amount of water reaches 6 million m3. The height of the lake from the sea level is 1116 m. The width reaches 10-25 km while it reaches 42 km in northwest and southeast direction. The water is fresh and is a natural lake. It reaches Mediterranean Sea by means of Manavgat River from bottom. It is mostly fed by underground waters rather than rainwater and rivers. Beyşehir is the 3rd largest lake of Turkey in respect of the area it covers. It covers an area of 615 – 745 km2 according to water level (1121-1125 m).
It is a carstic lake with a tectonic origin in respect of formation. As it can be clearly seen from the photographs taken from the space, the fault lines on the north south direction play important role in the formation of the lake. It has been proven by means of color examinations that Kepez Fault, which starts in Mada Island and descends through Manavgat-Köprüçay basins, leaks water into these two basins. The waters that leak through dolines around Hacı Akif Island and through Küre Düdeni as well as Hama Burnu Düdeni are quite interesting. The bottom topography of Beyşehir Lake has been done. The volume of the lake in 1125 at the highest level that has been detected up to now is 5.8 billion m3 and 2.9 billion m3 at 1121 code.
A breathtaking scene can be observed thanks to the combination of the lake and Anamas Mountain during sunset. The scene that is formed at sunset on Beyşehir Lake is famous worldwide.
There are 33 small-big islands on Beyşehir Lake. The number of islands changes according to the water level in the lake. However, this change is not very important. The main islands can be listed as follows:
MADA ISLAND (KAZAK): “Mada” means female animal in Persian language. This is the biggest island on Beyşehir Lake and covers an area of 8220 hectares. Yörüks (Nomads) live in Mada Village. In 1865, 30-40 Kazak families moved to this island but then immigrated. For that reason, the island is also known as Kazak Island.
HACI AKİF ISLAND: This island was named after Hacı Arif Efendi who was originally from Hoyranlı and known as the owner of the famous house in Beysehir. It is located in the south of the cluster of islands. It is 25 km away from Beyşehir. It has a 100 m long cave that is famous for its stalactites and stalagmites. The ruins of the temple dating back to Roman era is worth seeing. The island is also very rich in respect of insect varieties and some of the animal varieties are bred here. It is under protection as a national park.
İĞDELİ ISLAND: The highest point is 1282 meters while it is quite attractive in respect of tourism. The shores are steep and deep with wide beaches.
ORTA ISLAND: Being located 200 meters offshore from İğdeli and Aygır Islands, this island covers an area of 2500 decares. The strait that it forms with other two islands is quite beautiful. The highest point measures 1146 meters. It is covered with a very wide flora dominated by juniper trees. There are the ruins of old buildings on the island.
KES ISLANDS: These are also known as inner and outer islands. The highest point is 1134 meters. They are like grasslands and consist of 10 small islands.
AYGIR ISLAND: The island features very attractive and interesting natural beauties with spectacular bays and beaches. It covers an area of 1055 decares and the highest point is 1260 meters. There are church ruins.
KIZILADA: There are the ruins of ancient buildings and a cave. The island covers 815 decares.
ÇEÇEN (CHECHEN) ISLAND: It is also known as Aşağıağıl, Terkenli, Hacı Osman and Gavur Island. There are farm houses and many ruins on the island. It covers an area of 595 decares. Having been settled by the Greek many years before, this island was given to Chechen people thanks to their support during Turkish Independence War.
GÖLKAŞI ISLAND: It is approximately 500 meters away from Gölkaşı and covers an area of 565 decares. There are plenty of trees in the island. The highest point is 1138 meters.
EŞEK ISLAND: The highest point is 1139 meters while it covers an area of 140 decares. It is covered with trees if rarely. There are ancient ruins that are assumed to date back to Seljuk period. These buildings must be concurrent with Kubadabad Palace.
KIZILADA: It is also known as the Second Kızılada. This island is near Kurucuova and there are farming activities by local people. The highest point is 1142 meters with an area of 110 decares.
AKBURUN ISLAND: It is also known as Ömer Çavuş island. There are ancient ruins and grave stones. The island covers an area of 60 decares with the highest point being 1128 meters.
KİRSE ISLAND: There are the ruins of a church in this island. The ruins that are mentioned by the German researcher Hirschfeld in 1878 are probably these ruins. Kirse trait separates the island from Mada İsland. The deepest section of the lake is here with a depth of 18 meters. It covers an area of approximately 10 decares and there are ruins of a palace.
KIZ KULESİ (MAIDEN’S TOWER): This is a 5 decares area in 3,5 km northeast of Kubadabat Palace. The highest point is 1138 meters. It was used as the harem section of Kubadabad Palace. It grasps attention with thick mortar walls at first sight. There are the ruins of many buildings in this island which is also cited as a rocky place. Having once hosted approximately 230 bird varieties, this island is also defined as a bird heaven.
HÖYÜK ISLAND: This island is suitable for agriculture and covers an area of 20 decares. There are the remnants of graves, bones, crocks and pottery.
MINDIRAS ISLAND: It is a quite interesting island with its cave and ancient ruins.
KÜL ISLAND: The area is around 10 decares and the highest point is 118 meters. It is famous for its doline that is rumored to have been filled in time and the legend that tells this story.
In addition to these islands, there are other islands with the names Taşlı, Kum, Geyik, Ketlaş, Yılan, Kuşkondu, Yapraklı, Camız and Afrika